Common Questions

Q. What kind of interrupt latency does Windows NT provide?
A. Interrupt latency is a function of the drivers that are running and what they do at interrupt time. The Windows NT design philosophy encourages drivers to do as little work as possible. The kernel architecture generally let's a driver do a very small amount of work at interrupt time and use a DPC (deferred procedure call) to do driver related processing at a lower IRQL. This design allows for very short interrupt service routines and results in reduced interrupt latency.

Q. Can the kernel respond to an interrupt while actually executing kernel code?
A. Yes, although there are some spots where the IRQL level is raised or where interrupts are disabled. In general, the kernel is not preemptible, but interrupts can and do happen during execution of the kernel. The rules for interrupts are very similar to other systems. Windows NT has a multilevel interrupt mask. Higher priority interrupts can occur when the mask allows them to occur. Changing the mask raises the level where lower level interrupts can not occur.

Q. Does Windows NT have a fixed priority scheduler?
A. Windows NT supports 32 priority levels which can be assigned to particular threads. Sixteen of these priority levels are variable; that is, the scheduler adjusts your priority up and down as events occur. Sixteen levels are fixed priority or "real- time" where the operating system cannot adjust the priority level. The Win32 API allows access to both the variable and fixed priority classes and to most of the 16 priorities in each level.

Q. Does Windows NT support asynchronous I/O?
A. Yes. Windows NT provides three different completion notification mechanisms allowing for a very flexible approach to using asynchronous I/O.

Q. Does Windows NT wait for a clock tick before it responds to an interrupt?
A. Assuming that interrupts are not disabled or masked at that level, the system handles the interrupt immediately.

Q. Does Windows NT support a real-time or contiguous file system?
A. With file systems, the bulk of the performance cost occurs when a file needs to grow. With the NTFS file system, Windows NT can preallocate space to files although it is not strictly contiguous. The RAW file system provides unstructured storage on an unformatted disk volume so that the application itself can control the contents of the file system.

Q. Does Windows NT support memory locking?
A. Windows NT allows an application to control the size of its working set. An application can lock memory into its working set.

Q. Does Windows NT support direct I/O and memory access?
A. In general, Windows NT does not allow an application access to I/O ports directly. If this is needed, a driver needs to be written.

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